Athena CaMg 3,78L

  • Athena CaMg 3,78L
  • Athena CaMg 3,78L
44,30 EUR
/ szt.

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  • Type of nutritions: Mineral
  • Life phase: bloom
  • Type of cultivation: Soil, Coco, Hydroponic
  • phase application: Trace elements
  • Type of fertilizer: Liquid

Athena CaMg is liquid Calcium and Magnesium supplement for growing conditions which require higher doses of calcium, magnesium, iron and nitrogen during intensive growth and development phases.

Athena CaMg is designed to supplement either of our 2-part liquid formulas. Some cultivars and growing conditions may require higher doses of Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and Nitrogen during heavy growth and development phases. This product effectively corrects these common deficiencies without throwing off overall elemental balance.

In systems using reverse osmosis (RO) water and plants grown in inert media, such as coco and rockwool, Athena CaMg is particularly useful. Although our 2-part formulas already provide sufficient levels of Calcium and Magnesium, some growers require find supplementation helpful in demanding conditions.

How to use Athena CaMg?

  • Use clean measuring instruments–do not put anything into the bottle.
  • Some applications may require different dosages.
  • Monitor EC regularly and adjust accordingly based on the crop and growth stage.
  • Adjust pH to proper levels after mixing all fertilisers and additives.
  • Store closed in original packaging at a temperature between 45° F and 85° F.
  • Shake well before use

Application Rates

Add 2.5 mL per gallon of water during all stages as needed.

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